1 min read

How to buy and trade Bitcoin and other coins Step-by-Step

To start trading you have to start by buying some BTC (Bitcoin), LTC( Litecoin), or ETH (Ethereum). I recommend Ethereum for faster transactions and low fees but still Bitcoin is the easiest to get.

  1. If you don’t have any coins yet, go to Coinbase for those in US and Bitpesa for those in Africa and create a new account. Use your Credit Card or Other payment options available for instant transfer and then buy Bitcoin or Ethereum. You can transfer more later .
  2. Now go to Binance and create a new account.
  3. Transfer your Ethereum (or other) from Coinbase to your Binance account. (goto Binance , <deposit/withdrawals>, select ETH coin ,copy your address, go back to Coin base, , ETH wallet , paste your address from [Binance](https://www.binance.com/?ref=18798827), enter amount, send, done) .
  4. Now exchange your Ethereum to EOS (EOS), XRP (Ripple), TRX (Tron), ADA (Cardano), IOTA (IOTA), NANO(NANO), Stellar (XLM), NEO (NEO) or any other coin you like. (see tradable coins on Binance here).
  5. Done. Enjoy your new acquired coins and chase your bulls and bears.

Useful Stuff

_Market News and Tools


Bitcoin Talk Forums — good place to discuss crypto.
Reddit — just search the coin you want to know more about.
Medium — Tons of great blogs about crypto.
Discord — easy-to-use desktop chat client.
Telegram — chat client to get in contact with developers. Don’t go there if you are a beginner.

Exchanges i Recommend

Bitfinex Coinbase

if you have any inquiries kindly reach me via crypto@stevebaros.me

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