1 min read

This site’s domain has changed!

This site’s domain has changed from milanaryal.com to milanaryal.com.np. Please update your bookmarks and links. Thanks!

Its been five years since I have registered my first domain ‘milanaryal.com’ on March 31, 2013. I have get chance to learn more things on web industries my maintaining my weblog. Now in recent years many people are getting more active on mobile apps than web apps. To reduce cost of maintaining web address I have moved from milanaryal.com to milanaryal.com.np. I’ve redirected my all web links to my new web address and will be redirected till March 31, 2019 and from then I will no longer be maintaining my old web address. Now, all my future posts will be posted on my new web address.

If you have not bookmarked my new web address then do bookmark https://milanaryal.com.np.

Thanks for the following web resources to maintain my new Website at no cost ($0).