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Why you should have interactive website design?

Interactivity means the degree of interaction between objects. In web design these objects are a client and a website. The reaction of the visual website elements on the mouse cursor moving can also be called interactivity. For example, have you ever seen a horizontal photo strip that moves right or left depending on your mouse position, or corners of the page that rise up encouraging you to turn it?

With the majority of the websites and applications being interactive, modern web designers are called upon to make a number of considerations which are drastically different from traditional graphic designers. To bridge the gap, designers called upon the discipline of interaction design. Interaction design just like user experience design has evolved to facilitate the interaction between the environment and its people. However, there is a slight difference between user experience and interactive design — interaction designers are typically concerned with the interaction between the users and the computer.

Mobile browsing has been on the increase as more consumers own smart phones and tablets, which offer convenient access to the internet. These devices have doubled the amount of time that people spend accessing the internet. As of 2013, worldwide mobile phone internet user penetration was 73.4 percent. In 2017, figures suggest that more than 90 percent of internet users will access online content through their phones.

Online retail businesses report that a third of their visitors use mobile devices. Mobile browsing has been growing rapidly and this has forced website owners to rethink their design approach. Website owners are shifting toward responsive designs to accommodate mobile browsing. Static designs are no longer effective because online users are looking for interactive websites. There are various reasons why you should have an interactive website design.

Designers work hard, so users don’t have to

Designing (and programming, implementing, and especially testing), is a tough job as it requires mastery of a slew of technical skills. Building a super user experience may be quite difficult, and building it correctly may be too difficult for mere words to describe, but — hey — without a positive user experience your users will click away, never to return. Users should not have to spend much time learning a new system, a new lexicon, a new set of patterns and rules and iconographies, just to buy something on the web.

Establish long-term relationships

An interactive website design allows you to establish long-term relationships with your online users. Long-term relationships are important for a business. It is easy to sell your products and services to an online user you have engaged with on your site. Interactive designs make it easy to start conversations with potential clients and this helps to develop mutually beneficial relationships.

Wider reach

Interactivity is one of the most significant attributes of an effective website. An interactive website design allows online visitors to participate. Websites have become more sophisticated over the years and users now expect meaningful interaction with the sites they visit. When a visitor finds what they are looking for on a site, they are more likely to stay longer and visit it frequently. If a site is interactive and offers valuable content, visitors will share the information with their networks on other sites. This is a significant advantage to a business because it gives you a wider reach.

Boost conversion rates

When the internet was introduced, online users browsed the web to see other people’s creations. This has changed over the years and users now want to be part of the site. They want to generate content and participate in online communities. There is a shift towards user generated content such as links, music, videos, pictures, and ratings. Online users want to feel like they are part of the website and they are making a valuable contribution. This keeps them coming back to your site and boosts conversion rates.

Better search engine rankings

A mobile friendly website design makes it easy for online visitors to access information from any location. They can use their mobile devices when they are on the move. If your site allows interactivity, you are more likely to get more online visitors and this has a positive impact on your search engine rankings. People tend to visit sites that they find on the search engines. When you integrate some meaningful interactive elements into your website, this helps to excite online users. If people find valuable content on your site and they enjoy navigating through the pages, they will use it for a longer period and even include your link on other sites. You build back links naturally when online users share your links. This increases your popularity and increases your search engine ranking.